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Production Facility Production Facility

Processing Facility

Machining Facilities

SY METAL manufactures products that precisely meet the dimensions and shapes required by customers using skilled human resources and equipment. For machining, the concept of loss function, etc. was introduced to ensure systematic management and production.

Description Specification Unit
Horizontal Lathe Φ1,100×4,000L 1
Φ900×2,000L 1
Φ720×3,000L 1
Φ720×2,000L 1
Φ580×2,000L 1
Vertical Lathe Φ2,000×1,300L 1
Φ 2,400×1,600L 1
Milling Φ1,000×500L 1
Φ2000×500L 1
Radial Drilling M/C Φ2,000×1,500L 1
NC Vertical Lathe Φ1,100×500L 1
NC Boring 130T 1
MCT 1,000 1
630 2
Overhead Crane 5ton 2